Crypto? Total mystery. Blockchain? Sounds like a futuristic bike lock. But hey, a girl’s gotta learn, right? ‍

That’s why I’m starting Charting the Shecoverse! It’s a space for crypto newbies like me to ditch the confusion and dive in together.

We’ll decipher the lingo, share our struggles and “aha!” moments, and document this wild crypto journey – from clueless beginners to (hopefully) empowered investors.

So, grab your metaphorical crypto shovel, because women are about to take the crypto world by storm.

Your Crypto Companion on the Shecoverse Adventure!

Hey there, crypto-curious explorers! I’m Candice, and let’s be honest – the world of crypto can feel like a foreign land, shrouded in confusing language and guarded by complex charts. But fear not, fellow adventurers! I’m just like you: a curious newcomer navigating this exciting, yet often overwhelming, digital frontier.

Why Charting the Shecoverse?

Honestly, I was tired of feeling lost in a world dominated by jargon and “finance bro” culture. So, I decided to create a space where we, the amazing women we are, can conquer crypto together. Charting the Shecoverse is my personal journey, but let’s build it into a supportive community for crypto newbies. Forget the “bro” culture! Charting the Shecoverse is all about female empowerment.

What can you expect on our Shecoverse voyage?

  • Confessions of a Clueless Crypto Newbie: Join me as I stumble through the basics, decipher the lingo, and (hopefully) experience some epic “aha!” moments.
  • A Supportive She-cosystem: Ditch the intimidation! Here, you’ll find a safe space to ask questions, celebrate wins (big or small!), and learn from each other’s triumphs and mistakes.
  • Clear Crypto Explanations: No more feeling like you need a PhD in finance to understand crypto! I’ll break down complex concepts into bite-sized pieces, using relatable language.

We’re all in this together!

Charting the Shecoverse is your partner-in-crypto-crime, here to empower your crypto adventure. We’ll build our financial future, one digital coin at a time!


Get on the list


Join the Shecoverse crew and get exclusive access to my crypto journey. We’ll decipher the latest crypto news together, share wins (and maybe a few meltdowns!), and equip ourselves with the knowledge to build our own financial future together.

Crack the Crypto Code Together
Tired of confusing crypto jargon? Me too! That’s why I created the
Shecoverse Crypto Decoder: A glossary of essential crypto terms, all explained in a way that makes sense to US!